Pïaviòu novada ìimnâzija - skolas çka

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Sports and other activities

We offer a variety of activities to engage in after lessons:

Cooperation with foreign countries

We actively seek opportunities for cooperation with other countries, offering the opportunity for students to gain experience abroad:

On Latste 2010

On 29th and 30th October Latvian i-Technology Society Exposition (LatSTE) took place in Auce. It is event where teachers from all the Latvian come together to get to know the most advanced and up-to-date innovations usable at school. Teachers have the opportunity to listen presentations on new developments in ICT in education, participate in workshops to learn new ICT skills, to discuss, to share new ideas and experience gained working on educational and research projects.

Plavinas gymnasium teachers shared their experience for IT use in mathematics, geography, primary school, physics, English, using interactive whiteboard software (ActivInspire, MimioStudio, Smart Notebook, – taking the best from each), using Qwizdom voting system, presented how creative we use document cameras.

Next Latste will be held in Ventspils.

Conference ”Future Technologies Today” (gallery)

Changes in students’ council

Arita Lukss, the president of school students’ council

On 21st September was organised meeting of school parlament members and they vote for a new minister of press – Zane Kažus. The previous minister decided to recede.

More information – in our school are 3 photographs: Alise Bērziņa, Inga Lakstīgala, Viktorija Pereca.

The students’ council e-mail is lidzparvalde@png.edu.lv

Conference ”Future Technologies Today”

On 30th of September at Plavinas Regional Gymnasium took place the conference ”Future Technologies Today”.

The source of this occassion can be found in London, in technology show BETT (www.bettshow.com) which was visited by the headmaster V.Samohins.

Our gymnasium organised a conference where Microsoft members and teachers from several schools met.

The goal of this conference was to stimulate the schools to talk about their expierence in usage of modern tehnologies. Practical skills not only accademical knowledge was shared. Our teachers demonstrated how they use different kinds of Technologies – document cameras, media projectors, laptops etc.

After the conference the representative of Microsoft in Latvia expressed her satisfaction about everything she had seen.

Vladimirs Samohins is rewarded with Higher Education and Science Award

On 25th of September the minister of Education and Science Tatiana Koke in the Latvian National Opera presented Education and Science Award to 30 outstanding profesionals in education.

For successful and creative work in education systems improwing educating of children and youth award received the headmaster of Plavinas Regional Gymnasium Vladimirs Samohins. He is a very good example of effective and qualitative changes at school in such a short period of time.

One of V.Samohins priorities in taking up the headmaster’s post was modernisation and effectivity which he successfully managed in a short time.

Now Plavinas Regional Gymnasium has become the best school in the country in area of communication technologies and modern information.

Students’ council in School Year 2010/2011

On 3rd September, 2010, the meeting of school parlament members was organised. It was to integrate ministry of school environment and discipline.
Members elected the council for school year 2010 / 2011:

• President of school students council – Arita Lukss
• Minister of education – Rita Lazda
• Minister of culture – Renāte Lūciņa
• Minister of sport – Kalvis Ozoliņš
• Minister of press – Adelīna Možina
• Minister of school environment and discipline – Žanete Vingre

Good luck!

Back to school

“Back to school” in pictures.

Song and Dance Festival

Every 5 years a Latvian and Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival takes place in Riga. Song and dance groups from all Latvian schools participate in the competition. Best groups acquire the right to participate in this festival. This year two of our dance groups and our choir took part in the Festival.