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Posts tagged LatSTE

On Latste 2010

On 29th and 30th October Latvian i-Technology Society Exposition (LatSTE) took place in Auce. It is event where teachers from all the Latvian come together to get to know the most advanced and up-to-date innovations usable at school. Teachers have the opportunity to listen presentations on new developments in ICT in education, participate in workshops to learn new ICT skills, to discuss, to share new ideas and experience gained working on educational and research projects.

Plavinas gymnasium teachers shared their experience for IT use in mathematics, geography, primary school, physics, English, using interactive whiteboard software (ActivInspire, MimioStudio, Smart Notebook, – taking the best from each), using Qwizdom voting system, presented how creative we use document cameras.

Next Latste will be held in Ventspils.