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Posts tagged skolēnu līdzpārvalde

Black Coffee Evening

Black Coffee Evening, Pļaviņu novada ģimnāzija The Evening of Black Coffee is a traditional evening party to recall back in our memories our fighters for freedom.This event makes us to think about real values in our lives.

At Plavinas Regional Gymnasium such event takes part already several years. It’s annual tradition, the founder of it is our ex-teacher of history Edite Kupca, but now this tradition is cultivated and continued by our teacher of history Iveta Krastina. Students of our school went to National Accademy of Defence where they met with the president of our country and Army staff.

They learned something new about Freedom Fights and they got unforgottable emotions and experience.

“You can teach students history ten times,but we need only once to show and enjoy the history and students will remember it for ever”, – says teacher I. Krastiņa.

The elections of student`s parliament

On 7 September 2011 was held the meeting of student`s parliament. There was elected the President and ministers of school parliament. Diana Valdemare. – the student of form 12th was elected as a President of school parliament.


Congratulation the new student`s parliament!

Changes in students’ council

Arita Lukss, the president of school students’ council

On 21st September was organised meeting of school parlament members and they vote for a new minister of press – Zane Kažus. The previous minister decided to recede.

More information – in our school are 3 photographs: Alise Bērziņa, Inga Lakstīgala, Viktorija Pereca.

The students’ council e-mail is lidzparvalde@png.edu.lv

Students’ council in School Year 2010/2011

On 3rd September, 2010, the meeting of school parlament members was organised. It was to integrate ministry of school environment and discipline.
Members elected the council for school year 2010 / 2011:

• President of school students council – Arita Lukss
• Minister of education – Rita Lazda
• Minister of culture – Renāte Lūciņa
• Minister of sport – Kalvis Ozoliņš
• Minister of press – Adelīna Možina
• Minister of school environment and discipline – Žanete Vingre

Good luck!