On 30th of September at Plavinas Regional Gymnasium took place the conference ”Future Technologies Today”.
The source of this occassion can be found in London, in technology show BETT (www.bettshow.com) which was visited by the headmaster V.Samohins.
Our gymnasium organised a conference where Microsoft members and teachers from several schools met.
The goal of this conference was to stimulate the schools to talk about their expierence in usage of modern tehnologies. Practical skills not only accademical knowledge was shared. Our teachers demonstrated how they use different kinds of Technologies – document cameras, media projectors, laptops etc.
After the conference the representative of Microsoft in Latvia expressed her satisfaction about everything she had seen.
On 25th of September the minister of Education and Science Tatiana Koke in the Latvian National Opera presented Education and Science Award to 30 outstanding profesionals in education.
For successful and creative work in education systems improwing educating of children and youth award received the headmaster of Plavinas Regional Gymnasium Vladimirs Samohins. He is a very good example of effective and qualitative changes at school in such a short period of time.
One of V.Samohins priorities in taking up the headmaster’s post was modernisation and effectivity which he successfully managed in a short time.
Now Plavinas Regional Gymnasium has become the best school in the country in area of communication technologies and modern information.
Every 5 years a Latvian and Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival takes place in Riga. Song and dance groups from all Latvian schools participate in the competition. Best groups acquire the right to participate in this festival. This year two of our dance groups and our choir took part in the Festival.
What is so exciting about the chemistry? Are these chemical elements or formulas useful for tests when calculating molecular weight? Our school has been being very successful in different competitions on chemistry and some of our graduates have chosen to study chemistry at Universities.
The attractive side of chemistry was presented by assoc. prof. Jānis Švirksts, the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia, with the help of four students.